Mon-Fri 8:00-20:00 | Sat 9:00-15:00

Integrative cancer treatment

Alternative methods of cancer treatment applied in a modern clinic in Poland.


The highest quality of services at an affordable price.

Cancer treatment in Poland is, on average, 70% cheaper than in other countries while maintaining the highest standard!

Over 24 treatments to fight cancer holistically.


Treatment conducted by the world-class Dr. Preeti Agrawal


We can help you with this:

Breast cancer


Breast cancer treated at our clinic has a high cure rate. During your stay, we will provide you with a hotel on the clinic grounds and food in our restaurant. You will experience many modern treatments such as local hyperthermia, ozone therapy (autochem transfusions), intravenous vitamin infusions, ultrasound, laboratory tests, psychotherapy, and group workshops such as mindfulness and breathing.



Patients treated:

566 healthy smiling faces

Stomach cancer


Many stomach cancer patients treated at our clinic have overcome the disease. During your stay, we will provide you with a hotel on the clinic grounds and food in our restaurant. You will experience many modern treatments such as local hyperthermia, ozone therapy (autochem transfusions), intravenous vitamin infusions, ultrasound, laboratory tests, psychotherapy, and group workshops such as mindfulness and breathing.



Patients treated:

271 healthy smiling faces

Prostate cancer


Patients with prostate cancer are a large group treated integratively at our clinic. During your stay, we will provide you with a hotel on the clinic grounds and food in our restaurant. You will experience many modern treatments such as local hyperthermia, ozone therapy (autochem transfusions), intravenous vitamin infusions, ultrasound, laboratory tests, psychotherapy, and group workshops such as mindfulness and breathing.



Patients treated:

322 healthy smiling faces

Colorectal cancer


Local hyperthermia in our clinic, together with standard treatment, results in a much higher effectiveness of the therapy. During your stay, we will provide you with a hotel on the clinic grounds and food in our restaurant. You will experience many modern treatments such as local hyperthermia, ozone therapy (autochem transfusions), intravenous vitamin infusions, ultrasound, laboratory tests, psychotherapy, and group workshops such as mindfulness and breathing



Patients treated:

149 healthy smiling faces

Cervical cancer


The use of hyperthermia for cervical cancer significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. During your stay, we will provide you with a hotel on the clinic grounds and food in our restaurant. You will experience many modern therapies such as local hyperthermia, ozone therapy (autochem transfusions), intravenous vitamin infusions, ultrasound, laboratory tests, psychotherapy, and group workshops such as mindfulness and breathing.



Patients treated:

386 healthy smiling faces

Find out how we treat:



Alternative Cancer Treatments in Poland


Cancer is a chronic disease. A tumor results from various processes in our body that have begun a long time before the formation of cancer cells. It is only a symptom which signals to the doctor that the body is chronically ill. Cancer treatment cannot be based only on tumor removal. The treatment should be multidimensional, as cancer is a very complex disease.


Attending physician:


Dr Preeti Agrawal M.D.


Founder of the first Integrative Treatment Center in Poland, where she heals patients by combining knowledge of traditional medicine with natural medicine (herbal medicine, Chinese and Ayurvedic treatment methods, supplementation, appropriate dietary recommendations, and complementary therapies) as well as psychosomatic medicine. For her work devoted to women, Dr. Preeti Agrawal was awarded in 2009 with “Crystal Mirror” – the prestigious “Mirror” magazine award. She is also a winner of the prize Outstanding Polish Woman of the year 2008 in the Lower Silesia province. In 2017 Dr. Preeti Agrawal was  honoured with the Gold Cross of Merit for promoting health awareness and prophylaxis by the president of Poland. From 2001 until 2022, Dr. Preeti Agrawal was a Foundation Woman & Nature President. The Foundation annually organized international medical conferences and health festivals and promoted conscious health through newsletters, videos, and programs.


Make an appointment for a consultation with a specialist

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health improvement

disease cured

A better life

comfort in life


Our treatments:


Local hyperthermia (oncothermia) is an effective and gentle method that inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors. Control overheating (42°C) destroys cancer cells by disrupting cellular metabolism.

Vitamin therapy

Vitamin infusions supplement vitamin deficiencies, i.e., organic compounds necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Vitamin infusions are recommended when vitamin deficiencies are found in the body, especially during pregnancy, restrictive diets, and diseases that cause deficiencies.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a therapeutic method used for many years to treat wounds and various diseases. The ozone action mechanism is the inactivation of pathogens, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, and activation of the immune system.

Systemic hyperthermia

Systemic (whole-body) hyperthermia is a treatment that involves a planned and controlled increase in body temperature over a specified period. The rise in body temperature causes a strong activation of the immune system. Numerous studies have shown it to be an effective adjunctive method in treating many chronic diseases.


A friendly and tranquil place where the decor alone invites you to pause in a rush, which is often the leading cause of many diseases of civilization.
Beautifully decorated 21-25 sqm rooms include free Wi-Fi, safe air conditioning, comfortable beds, and a sofa.


The restaurant area prepares fresh, healthy, vegetarian meals based on seasonal, locally grown vegetables and fruits. Fresh juices, herbal teas, seasonal soups, dishes, in-house baked goods, and preserves are available. You will find out in the restaurant that you can eat healthy and tasty!






Consultation with Dr. Preeti Agrawal


Tour of the facility


Check in




Consultation with Dr. Preeti Agrawal


Tour of the facility

Your first day






Consultation with Dr. Preeti Agrawal


Tour of the facility


  • integrative oncological consultation
  • local hyperthermia
  • whole body hyperthermia
  • ozone therapy and vitamin infusions
  • phytotherapy
  • physiotherapy
  • Eastern therapies
  • psychological support
  • dietetic consultations, workshop healing
  • self processes
  • laboratory diagnostics and Ultrasound scans

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      Contact information

      IMC Health Center
      ul. Strzelińska 41
      55-010 Żerniki Wrocławskie

      Working hours

      Pn-Pt 8:00-20:00 | Sb 9:00-17:00