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Autor: IMCKlinika

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The constant feeling of fatigue can be an illness in itself. A disease that needs to be treated and which puts you on L4 for a long time. In 1983, it was listed in the register of conditions under the English name chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

What is chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)?

Recurrent and prolonged fatigue can be a symptom of illness, and a serious one at that. Lack of appetite, weakness and chronic fatigue are signs of diabetes, anemia, hepatitis C, or kidney failure.


A state of chronic fatigue can also mean:


  • hypotension,
  • thyroid problems,
  • depression,
  • cancer (especially leukemia),
  • HIV infection,
  • Lyme disease,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • lead and ethanol poisoning,
  • addiction to psychoactive drugs.


Persistent fatigue can be a symptom of illness or disease. Instead of ignoring it, it is wiser to consult your doctor about your condition.


CFS usually makes itself known after an infection or during severe stress. It usually develops gradually without an apparent onset and sometimes lasts for months or even years, with periods of remission and relapse.


Sleep disturbances, lowered mood, apathy, and high fever often accompany the disease. Disregarded, untreated CSF causes us to stop coping with daily responsibilities – both professional and private, domestic.


In the past, the disease was either overlooked, ignored, or not known to exist at all.

Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms

We speak of chronic fatigue syndrome when the physical and mental feeling of fatigue lasts for more than six months despite the lack of physical activity and other clear causes (often this fatigue is more significant after waking up than before going to bed) and when there are simultaneous:


  • subfebrile states,
  • slight weight loss,
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia or excessive sleepiness),
  • disorientation,
  • trouble with memory and concentration,
  • headaches, muscle and throat pain.


A negative attitude toward life and the world is also characteristic. Some patients have enlarged lymph nodes, especially the neck and axilla.

Causes of Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

CFS can get anyone, although a group of people is more vulnerable to the onslaught of this disease than others. These are primarily energetic people striving for success. Constantly busy, living a life of constant running, stress, and tension.


People in this group often eat poorly, eating in a hurry and irregularly. They lead unhygienic lifestyles, don’t have time to relax, or don’t know how to deal with stress, which results in exhaustion of the body and impaired functioning of the immune system. With lowered immunity, the body becomes more susceptible to stress, which contributes to less serotonin production in the brain. This substance stimulates, improves mood, and increases satisfaction with life).


TThe disease affects women more often than men. Occupation may also be a factor. Occupational groups such as doctors, nurses, clergy, psychotherapists, or teachers are more prone than others to the so-called occupational burnout syndrome. This syndrome has been proven to be the first step to CFS.

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

TThe most important thing in treating CFS is to change the current lifestyle. Plenty of rest is recommended (a couple of weeks sick leave is often necessary), as learning to cope with stress, leading a more regulated lifestyle, and attending therapy meetings with people with similar problems.


In addition, the doctor may decide on symptomatic treatment. He will prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatories for an elevated temperature, sore throat, muscle aches or headaches, and with increased neurotic and depressive symptoms, he will prescribe antidepressants. Patients are also given preparations to strengthen the immune system.

Contact information

IMC Health Center
ul. Strzelińska 41
55-010 Żerniki Wrocławskie
phone: +48 730 597 597,

Working hours

Pn-Pt 8:00-20:00 | Sb 9:00-15:00
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    Contact information

    IMC Health Center
    ul. Strzelińska 41
    55-010 Żerniki Wrocławskie

    Working hours

    Pn-Pt 8:00-20:00 | Sb 9:00-17:00